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Dennis Read Between the Lines
A source for those who want to know more about trends and happenings in the five Villages of our town. We are a Grassroots group of thoughtful residents who seek to inform our neighbors (year round and seasonal) and friends about issues that can and will affect the future of all of the Town Dennis.
September 12, 2024
Town Administrator's Report September 10, 2024
I would like to update the Select Board and the public on several recent developments regarding Dennis’ wastewater project.
First, I am pleased to report that we had a very successful Wastewater Wednesday Workshop at the Dennis Center for Active Living, where we engaged with residents, provided them with the latest information, and answered important questions about the project heading into Town Meeting. The discussion was lively
once again, and it’s clear that the community is eager and excited to participate in this important process. As you know, this was the third recent workshop, following the previous ones at the Dennis Police Station and the Dennis Public Library. And quickly, if anyone was unable to attend these series of workshops, it is currently running on Channel 8, the Town's Website, and on the Wastewater Wednesday Facebook page.
Second, I am happy to report that last week Dennis received the draft groundwater discharge permit, a significant milestone in our collaboration with Mass DEP. This is another critical step in ensuring the project aligns with DEP's environmental goals and regulatory requirements.
Additionally, I would like to inform the Board that the General Contractor bid openings for the wastewater project are scheduled for next week, likely on the 17th. This is an exciting step as we move closer to making the project a reality and follows what you have already heard about which was that the bids from the subcontractor openings came in right below our engineer's estimates.
Lastly, I want to remind everyone that the wastewater article — Article 9 — is on the warrant for the October 1st Special Town Meeting. I encourage residents to attend and participate in this important decision for the future of Dennis. I would also like to remind everyone that there will also be a ballot question for this project on October 8th and Town Clerk Terry Bunce is preparing for that, she has indicated that there will be absentee voting available for this vote.
Update on the Wixon School appropriated articles and status of ongoing evaluations. There are currently two articles that are funding ongoing expenses and building evaluation. One approved at the Annual Town Meeting (ATM) held on May 2, 2023 and the second at the Special Town Meeting (STM) held on November 9, 2023. Currently this is the breakdown of expenditures:
ATM 5-2-23 (Article 32) – Appropriated $300,000 – Building Expenses
$23,827 clean up from vandalism – discharge of fire extinguisher throughout building
$10,511 removal of historic US Flag – stored in art vault at Manse Museum
$10,441 utilities
$6,918 disposal of heating oil in underground storage tank
$4,180 mowing
$2,969 misc. parts and materials (i.e. electrical, signs)
$2,505 alarm
$1,500 elevator – scheduled inspection may need repairs to pass inspection
$62,851 currently spent ($237,148 remaining)
$647,000 Asbestos Abatement Estimate for known ceiling tiles – Rowse Architects (4-17-24). This is the estimated cost to remove all the known asbestos ceiling tiles/disposal and replace lighting.
$30,092 underground fuel storage tank removal quote received State bid FAC110. The Dennis Fire Department (DFD) has found abandoning in place not an option, removal required. DFD contacted MA DEP and they have been told abandoning in place would not be approved. This is being scheduled for removal. Inspections will be carried out as part of Environmental Site Assessment (STM article).
$18,000 Routine maintenance check of Generator requires repairs prior to use (notified 11-15-23). Generator currently offline.
$5,000 Lighting Repair Auditorium, currently not functioning.
$2,000 Boiler Pressure Relief valve
$TBD Implementation of Asbestos Management Plan (plan pending)
$TBD Proposed cost of repairs to septic system
$TBD Elevator requires inspection
$TBD Fire extinguishers require inspection and replacement
STM 11-9-23 (Article 23) – Appropriated $300,000 – Survey & Building Evaluation
$144,542 – Nitsch Engineering (under contract $157,761)
Existing Conditions Survey
Approval Not Required Plan
Septic Inspections
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
Asbestos Management Plan
Additional items TBD
Cost of evaluation of scope/design/repair of septic system
Cost of inspection of underground storage tank
Any further evaluation of any hazardous waste
Currently there is $142,239 uncommitted. That being said there are costs to the pending additional items listed above, which will continue to be utilized.
Pending Immediate Issues:
Asbestos Management Plan – must be completed and implemented prior to any proposed use
Septic Condition – system(s) need to be repaired prior to any proposed use – currently working with Rowes Architect to further evaluate scope with the intent to receive estimated cost of repairs
Removal of Underground Storage Tank and subsequent inspection
Please note the operational expenses, we have no staffing allocated for this 100,000 +-sq ft building (eight Senior Centers could fit within this footprint to give scope of magnitude). It has been reported repeatedly that the DY School District was spending the following annually (2021):
$1,400,000 = $650,000 operational expenses + $550,000 maintenance staff (O&M estimate) + $200,000 asbestos management cleaning/management. To date there is no budget for staffing and actual O&M.
Last Friday we held the bid opening for the demotion of the church located at 187 Upper County Road in Dennis Port. We experienced significant interest in this project from potential bidders. Five bids were received ranging between $229,700 to $377,000. This is incredibly favorable pricing for the Town substantially less than the original estimates. Currently we are reviewing the low bidder’s references and submittals to ensure they are complete and the lowest responsible bidder to recommend an award.
We have made progress on the environmental permitting for the demolition of the single-family home on the Bush property. This property is located within an environmentally sensitive resource area under the jurisdiction of the Mass Wildlife’s Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP). This has resulted in significant delays and additional costs to attain their approval. All of the required studies have been completed and we are expecting the formal approval any day now. Dennis Conservation Commission has also recently given their approval. The building’s demolition permit is in place. With the exception of the septic tank and system removal our intention is to complete the demolition work with Public Works’ staff. By doing so we will substantially reduce the cost to get this done. Currently we are scheduling to accomplish this work late fall or early winter.
At this time, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health reports that the towns of Sandwich, Falmouth, Mashpee, Barnstable, Yarmouth, and Dennis remain at a moderate level of risk for transmission of West Nile Virus. Risk level for EEE remains remote or low in all Cape towns. Risk levels are updated routinely by MADPH and can be viewed at the Massachusetts Arbovirus Surveillance Dashboard. Massachusetts arbovirus update | Mass.gov
Cape Cod Mosquito Control submitted 37 pools of mosquitoes to the state lab this week for arbovirus testing.
Two samples of mosquitoes collected in Barnstable County tested positive for EEE and one sample of mosquitoes tested positive for WNV this week. As we head into fall the birds are moving around and carrying these viruses to different areas.
Current information on mosquitoes, animals and humans with positive WNV or EEE results can be found at: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/massachusetts-arbovirus-update
Mosquito populations in our area continued to decline this week. While there are less mosquitoes biting, the risk of disease transmission is increasing each week until we get a hard frost as the mosquitoes that are flying are getting older and more likely to be carrying a disease.
Potential disease vectors for WNV are active at dusk and after dark so precautions should be taken to avoid mosquitoes at these times. The species that transmit this disease prefer to lay their eggs in man- made containers like tires, tarps, gutters, and children's toys that hold water after a rain event. People can reduce the mosquito population in their area by checking their property for standing water and dumping it out.
Avoid Mosquito Bites
Apply Insect Repellent when Outdoors. Use a repellent with an EPA-registered ingredient, such as DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide), permethrin, picaridin (KBR 3023), or oil of lemon eucalyptus (p-menthane- 3,8-diol (PMD) or IR3535) according to the instructions on the product label. DEET products should not be used on infants under two months of age and should be used in concentrations of 30 percent or less on older children. Oil of lemon eucalyptus should not be used on children under three years of age.
Be Aware of Peak Mosquito Hours. The hours from dusk to dawn are peak biting times for many mosquitoes. Consider rescheduling outdoor activities that occur during evening or early morning in areas of high risk.
Clothing Can Help Reduce Mosquito Bites. Wearing long sleeves, long pants and socks when outdoors will help keep mosquitoes away from your skin.
Mosquito-Proof Your Home
Drain Standing Water. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. Limit the number of places around your home for mosquitoes to breed by draining or discarding items that hold water. Check rain gutters and drains. Empty unused flowerpots and wading pools and change the water in birdbaths frequently. Install or Repair Screens. Keep mosquitoes outside by having tightly fitting screens on all windows and doors.
Protect Your Animals
Animal owners should reduce potential mosquito breeding sites on their property by eliminating standing water from containers such as buckets, tires, and wading pools – especially after heavy rains. Water troughs provide excellent mosquito breeding habitats and should be flushed out at least once a week during the summer months to reduce mosquitoes near paddock areas. Horse owners should keep horses in indoor stalls at night to reduce their risk of exposure to mosquitoes. Owners should also speak with their veterinarian about mosquito repellents approved for use in animals and vaccinations to prevent West Nile virus (WNV) and EEE. If an animal is suspected of having WNV or EEE, owners are required to report to the Department of Agricultural Resources, Division of Animal Health by calling 617- 626-1795, and to the Department of Public Health by calling 617-983-6800.
Barnstable County Arbovirus Webpage
With another case of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) diagnosed last week in Plymouth County, Barnstable County's Department of Health and Environment has created the Arbovirus Summary for Barnstable County webpage.
The webpage includes information on EEE and West Nile Virus (WNV) reports, transmission risk assessment and tips to protect yourself from bites and your home and property from infestations. Dashboard maps are included for the most up-to-date reporting data.
DENNIS - The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is announcing it will be closing Route 6A (Main Street) from Scargo Hill Road to Sesuit Neck Road in Dennis for several months, beginning on Wednesday, September 4, at 7:00 a.m. The roadway closure is scheduled to be in place until April 2025.
MassDOT must close this section of Route 6A to facilitate the replacement of two existing culverts under Route 6A at the Sesuit Creek. The roadway will remain open to residents residing within the closed section of Route 6A.
Traffic management will consist of a temporary detour as follows:
Drivers traveling eastbound on Route 6A
Turn left onto Sesuit Neck Road
Turn right on Bridge Street
Continue on Bridge Street to Route 6A (Main Street) intersection
Drivers traveling westbound on Route 6A
Turn left onto Scargo Hill Road
Continue straight onto Old Bass River Road
Continue on Old Bass River Road to Route 6A (Main Street) intersection
Drivers who are traveling through the affected areas should expect delays, reduce speed, and use caution.
Appropriate signage, law enforcement details, and advanced message boards will be in place to guide drivers through the work area.
All scheduled work is weather dependent and/or may be impacted due to an emergency situation.
For information on traffic conditions, travelers are encouraged to:
Download the Mass511 mobile app or visit www.mass511.com to view live cameras, travel times, real-time traffic conditions, and project information before setting out on the road. Users can subscribe to receive text and email alerts for traffic conditions.
Dial 511 and select a route to hear real-time conditions.
Follow @MassDOT on X, (formerly known as Twitter), to receive regular updates on road and traffic conditions.
John Goggin
MassDOT Communications Office
Funding was approved at the Dennis May 2, 2023 Annual Town Meeting to pay the costs of funding and administering a childcare subsidy program for birth through 5‐year‐old children of Dennis residents to attend a state‐licensed childcare program.
The Town of Dennis Childcare Subsidy Program was funded to provide financial assistance for 50 local families with children who are under five years old as of August 31, 2024, for the program period September 1, 2024 -August 31, 2025.
A subsidy in the form of direct payment of $200 per month to State licensed childcare providers for up to 50 full time, year-round residents of Dennis (maximum of $2,400 per household) will be provided for one eligible child and meets a threshold of 81% to 150% Average Median Income parameter. Child must be enrolled a minimum of two days per week for eligibility.
Included below are a Childcare Subsidy Program Overview, an Application Form, and a Required Documents List. The Application Form (PDF)includes questions to obtain information for verification of eligibility.
Applications and required documents must be completed fully and returned to:
Dennis Town Hall
Attention: Childcare Voucher Program
685 Route 134
South Dennis, MA 02660
Or may be scanned and emailed to DennisCSP@town.dennis.ma.us with the subject line “CSP.”
Special Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 1st, at 7:00PM at the Dennis-Yarmouth Intermediate School located at 286 Station Ave. S. Yarmouth, MA. 02664
The Dennis Select Board will review a draft Town Meeting warrant at their meeting on August 27, 2024 and will finalize the warrant by early September.
September 20, 2024 is the last day to register to vote in the Special Town Meeting.
The Dennis Select Board will meet on September 24, 2024 for regularly scheduled business. Upcoming meeting dates of the Select Board can be found on the Town of Dennis website here.
All are welcome to attend and participate in our open and public meetings. The agenda for each meeting is posted 48 business hours prior to the scheduled meeting time and can be accessed through the Select Board’s webpage or the Town calendar webpage.
Attend in-person at the Town Hall, Stone Meeting Room. Or for alternative public access join the meeting online via zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7660036712 or participate by phone by dialing 1-646-558-8656 and entering Conference ID 766 003 6712 #.
Are you or someone you know looking for work? The Town of Dennis is hiring! Several full and part-time positions available. Apply for and view current job openings here.
Elizabeth C. Sullivan, Town Administrator
NEW August 21, 2023 Plans, Files and Information.
to View Click ON Link Below
Revised Responses - August 2023
Select Board
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
A Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2023 at 4:45PM
at the Dennis Town Offices concerning the adoption of fees for the Town,
including but not limited to:
Ambulance/Board of Health/Golf/Harbormaster/Transfer Station.
All interested parties may attend and be heard. Please contact the Select Board office at 508-760-6148 for information on how participate in the hearing or provide comments to the Select Board through krace@town.dennis.ma.us.
Click the link below to view the Complete FEE Packet
(NOTE: FEE Prices start on Page 23)
Hello friends,
We have been notified that Deluga/Sullivan have filed with MassHousing to move forward on their plan to develop Village Courtyard, LLC. Our understanding is that they have applied for a Project Eligibility Letter (PEL). This is not a construction permit but rather the first step in the process towards getting one. (You can learn more about the PEL process in this presentation.)
As we understand it, the Select Board and all Town Departments submit comments about the project. This is also a time for public comment. The public comments need to be received by Feb. 9, at which point representatives from MassHousing will meet with representatives of the Town of Dennis to have a site visit.
The project is on the agenda for the Select Board Meeting on
1/23/24 at 4:30 pm
at Stone Room in Town Hall and via Zoom.
We need to be as focused and efficient as we can in how we express our opposition to this project. Once we hear the SB comments at the meeting above we will know the next steps to take (letter writing, coordination of public comments, possible attendance at a hearing if one is scheduled, a presence on Feb. 9 in the Village?)
Please plan to attend the meeting on 1/23 in person or via Zoom to hear what Town Officials are thinking. As far as we know, this is the first “unfriendly” 40B the Town has faced. We don’t know for certain what their next steps will be.
Greetings of the Season,
Thanks for your support, 900+ petition signers! It was great to meet so many of you at the Dennis Village Holiday Stroll on December 10th, and special thanks to our core action team for their time and dedication in getting us to this point.
Update on the Village Courtyard project
We learned the developers have chosen to forgo a local initiative program and instead apply for the 40B permits directly to the state. While this makes this an "unfriendly" 40B, the decision was no doubt due to the opposition expressed by residents and local leadership. So thank you for spreading the word and letting the Select Board and developers know how you feel about it!
The next phase for us starts when they apply for a permit to the state, at which point the state notifies the town and a 30-day comment period begins. We will be sure to spread the word as soon as we know that this has happened.
Following that, if the permit is approved, then another timeline starts that could stretch out many months if not a year, including a 6-month public comment period with the zoning board of appeals.
Over the last few months DCRD has been receiving expert advice to help us in our opposition and we will be ready to engage once the formal permitting process begins.
Thank you again for your interest in our efforts to oppose this project and irresponsible housing development in Dennis. Please feel free to reach out to us with questions or concerns at info@denniscrd.org or Dennis Citizens for Responsible Development Facebook page.
Please stay-tuned as wider support will be needed in the New Year.
Dennis Citizens for Responsible Development, PO Box 343, Dennis, MA 02638